Bollywood superstar Shah Rukh Khan’s latest movie, Jawan, has taken the Indian box office by storm. Directed by Atlee, the film hit theaters on September 7 and achieved record-breaking opening figures, raking in a whopping 750 million Indian rupees. Now, with over a week in theaters, the film continues to impress, collecting Rs210 million on its ninth day, according to an industry tracker. As per Sacnilk, with this latest collection, Jawan has amassed a domestic nett collection of Rs 4.11 billion in India. Remarkably, it has already secured the third-highest-grossing position among Hindi releases in 2023. The top spot belongs to SRK’s Pathaan, which earned Rs5.4 billion upon its January release. The second spot is held by Sunny Deol’s Gadar 2, which has generated Rs 5.17 billion and is still running in theaters. What makes Jawan’s collections even more remarkable is that it has surpassed Pathaan in terms of domestic nett collections within the same timeframe.