Bollywood actor Govinda is reportedly in legal trouble over the connection with the INR1000 crore Online Ponzi Scam. As reported by Indian news agencies, prominent Bollywood actor, Govinda might be in legal soup for having a connection with the pan-Indian Online Ponzi Scam of massive INR1000 crore. According to the details, the Economic Offences Wing (EOW) of Odisha, India will question the veteran actor in connection with the online scam in the probe around the activities of Solar Techno Alliance (STA-Token) – the company with an online presence in several countries, which was illegally operating a pyramid structure under the garb of crypto investment. While it was clarified by the officials that the celebrity is neither suspect nor accused at the moment, his name has been highlighted by EOW because Govinda reportedly made promotional videos to endorse the company and also attended one of their events in Goa, earlier this year. “We will soon send a team to Mumbai to question film star Govinda who had attended STA’s grand function in Goa in July and promoted the company in some videos,” stated EOW inspector general J N Pankaj. “If we find that his role was limited to only endorsement of the product (STAToken brand) as per their business agreement, then we will make him a witness in our case,” he added. According to the reports, the company has collected a whopping INR30 crore from at least 10,000 people of Bhadrak, Keonjhar, Balasore, Mayurbhanj and Bhubaneswar under the scam. EOW arrested the company’s heads, Gurtej Singh Sidhu and Nirod Das last month.