Tamannaah Bhatia was recently making headlines for owning the world’s fifth-largest diamond, worth 2 crore; her boyfriend Vijay Varma has finally responded to fake news. Varma laughed the news off, sharing that it was not a real diamond, but rather a fancy bottle opener shaped like a diamond. While talking to Siddharth Kannan, the Dahaad actor revealed: “Aapko pata hai na woh kya hai? Woh bottle ka dhakkan hai. Woh mazaak kar rahe hain ek dusre ke saath. Media carry kar rahi hai ke Rs 2 crore ka fifth-largest diamond. Rs 2 crore mein fifth-largest diamond kisse milta hai?” Varma jokingly said: “Maine usse message kiya ke ye sab fake news aa rahi hai, aur mera naam kyun nai likha?” A few days ago, the Lust Stories 2 actress’ photo went viral, where she could be seen flexing a huge diamond gifted to her by Ram Charan’s wife Upasana. Upasana shared the picture in 2019 with a caption that read: “A gift for the super @tamannaahspeaks from Mrs Producer. Missing u already. Catch up soon. #SyeraaNarashimaReddy” The picture created a buzz all over the internet, after which Bhatia herself had to release a statement clarifying the situation. Tamannaah Bhatia wrote on her Twitter handle: “Hate to break it to you, but we were doing a photo shoot with a bottle opener and not an actual diamond. #GirlsLiketoClickPics”, reported Pinkvilla.