Showbiz starlet Alizeh Shah wins social media with her latest set of pictures going viral. Taking to her Instagram handle on Tuesday afternoon, the ‘Taqdeer’ actor treated her fans with some new pictures probably from the sets of her upcoming drama. The celebrity aced the desi-girl style in the five-picture gallery, captioned with, “and now the wind’s blowing reminding you of what you know.” She wore a maroon outfit, adorned with a multi-hued Aztec-like print, and styled it to minimalist best with simple slides and small earrings. Shah sported what looks like her look for the project, tinted makeup and a long tousled mane, in the pictures. The viral pictures were showered with love from her thousands of fans on the gram, who liked the posts and dropped lovely compliments for Shah in the comments section. Apart from being a social media darling with 4.1 million Instagram followers, Alizeh Shah also enjoys a huge fanbase in the offline world, thanks to her impressive performances in a number of superhit serials including ‘Dil Mom Ka Diya’, ‘Mera Dil Mera Dushman’ and the telefilm ‘Chand Raat Aur Chandni’. Meanwhile, on the work front, the actor was last seen as the protagonist Romaisa in the drama serial ‘Taqdeer’ co-starring Sami Khan.