Sir: I vividly remember the definition of environment that one of my professors, namely Professor Dr (Late) Muhammad Ibrahim Pathan of Chemical and Environmental Engineering Institute of Mehran Engineering University, Jamshoro, taught us 20 years ago. The definition reads as: “Environment is the combination and interaction of all physical factors that surrounds human beings, including land, water, atmosphere, sound, odor, taste, climate animals and plants. Environment also includes social and cultural factors, either natural or built in.” Reflecting on the environment today, I feel that Pakistan has become one of those countries where environmental crime is rising increasingly. The unchecked burning of forests, both natural and manmade, trees that have been cut off along banks of various canals and highways, especially, in my Sindh province on the behest of different government departments, police and pirs goes on unchecked. These greedy enemies of environment need to be awarded an exemplary punishment for their crimes against the atmosphere. Similarly, those who assist these culprits to carry out such crimes should also be awarded a rigorous punishment. The courts, and in particular, the environmental tribunals must come forward to save biodiversity of the planet. Everything in the world has the right to a dignified life. The design, quality, and texture of our existence largely depend on the type of environment in which we survive. HASIM ABRO Islamabad