Bollywood action star Vidyut Jammwal has remembered his friend and late actor Sidharth Shukla and shared a throwback picture on social media. Vidyut took to his Instagram stories, where he posted a picture of him standing next to Sidharth. It seems the picture was taken in the gym as the two are posing next to what seems to be gym equipment. In the image, Sidharth can be seen in a white T-shirt paired with gray pants while Vidyut is wearing a black cut sleeves T-shirt paired with black pants. The two actors are seen smiling at the camera as they flaunt their muscles. Sidharth Shukla, who was the winner of ‘Bigg Boss 13’, breathed his last on September 2, 2021 after a heart attack at the age of 40. On the work front, Vidyut will next be seen in ‘IB71’, which revolves around a two- front war between Indian intelligence agencies and the Pakistani establishment. The film is directed by Sankalp Reddy. Vidyut Jammwal remembered late Sidharth Shukla. He took to Instagram and shared a picture of them together. Both actors could be seen in the gym post their workout. They smiled for the picture and posed behind a smith machine. The Commando star’s post for Sidharth brought back fond memories from the time gone by, leaving the fans nostalgic and emotional. Vidyut shared the picture on his Instagram stories, without a caption. Both flaunted their biceps in gym wear. Previously, the Khuda Hafiz actor paid a tribute to Sidharth Shukla on Instagram, when the news of the star’s demise broke in 2021. Vidyut Jammwal referred to Sidharth as his “best friend,” adding that he knew nobody else like him. In the video posted on Instagram, the Bollywood actor also revealed that he would often borrow Sidharth’s bike for long rides. He dedicated the Fast and Furious song See You Again to the Dil Se Dil Tak star. Sidharth Shukla breathed his last on September 2, 2021. He passed away at the age of 40 after suffering a heart attack. The actor’s sudden passing left fans and celebrities in a state of shock and grief. He was known for his roles in Balika Vadhu, Jaane Pehchaane Se… Ye Ajnabbi, Love You Zindagi, CID and Dil Se Dil Tak. He made his debut with 2008’s TV series Babul Ka Aangann Chootey Na. After participating in a reality show, and eventually winning it, Sidharth Shukla became a household name.