During the winter season, skin allergies are on rise due to dry, cold weather causing itchy rash as dehydration may also a major factor. Talking to a private news channel, Health Expert Dr Saira Awan said to avoid developing winter rash to use water and natural oils in the skin help it stay moist and enhance its protective abilities. Winter rash occurs when the skin loses too much moisture during cold seasons. She informed that cold, dry air and central heating can suck the water and oils from the skin other environmental factors, as well as lifestyle factors and certain medical conditions can also cause dry skin and rashes. Replying to a question, she said ‘Dermatitis’ refers to any inflammation of the skin, Dermatitis causes dry, itchy patches to form. It may result from poor circulation or exposure to harsh chemicals, an allergen or an infection. She further informed about winter skin allergies including ‘Rosacea’ is a bacterial infection that causes rashes and small, red bumps on the skin. ‘Cold urticaria’ this rare skin condition causes swollen, itchy bumps called hives to form after exposure to the cold. Some people develop the hives after swimming in cold water, while others are sensitive to cold air.