Caretaker Chief Minister Punjab Mohsin Naqvi has announced giving cash rewards and commendatory certificates to SHO PS Makarwal and his team for foiling the terrorists attack. In a statement issued on Wednesday, the CM appreciated that the police have thwarted the nefarious designs of the terrorists. The SHO and his team would be rewarded for showing bravery, he said and added that the nation fully appreciates their bravery and sense of duty. The morale of the police force has been boosted by the bravery of the policemen of PS Makarwal and such courageous police officials are our pride, he added. The CM also made a call to DPO Mianwali and SHO PS Makarwal to extend his felicitations. The government salutes the bravery of the policemen who have set a high example of courage by thwarting the attack. We are proud of the brave police and the menace of terrorism would not be allowed to thrive in Punjab, stated Mr Naqvi. Caretaker Chief Minister Punjab Mohsin Naqvi chaired a meeting at his office to review the proposal for the implementation of a patient management system to make government hospitals paperless. Chairman Punjab Information Technology Board gave a briefing about the patient management system. The meeting was informed that, initially, this system would be implemented in 15 major hospitals in Punjab. Hospital emergencies, gynaecology, outdoor and pharmacy would be linked with this system and patients’ data would be available in every government hospital through an integrated system. The arrival of the patient, start of treatment, test, procedure and other details would be available through this system. While directing to take steps for the implementation of this system, the CM noted that it would facilitate patients and doctors. The patient would also be able to get treatment in any government hospital, he stated and added that a primary PCI monitoring system would also be developed for the treatment of cardiac patients. The primary PCI monitoring system would be used to review the arrival, treatment and procedure of heart patients, he said. Industrialist Gohar Ijaz, Provincial Minister Specialized Healthcare Dr Javed Akram, Minister Primary and Secondary Healthcare Dr Jamal Nasir, health secretaries and others attended the meeting. Caretaker Chief Minister Punjab Mohsin Naqvi has sought a report from the IG police about the torture and molestation of a woman in the Safdarabad area of Sheikhupura. He directed that the affected woman should be provided justice and the arrest of the accused persons should be ensured for legal action. The perpetrators of the crime do not deserve any leniency, he stressed. New procurement policy in hospitals introduced: Punjab Caretaker Health Minister Dr Javaid Akram on Wednesday said that a new policy of local procurement had been introduced in the government teaching hospitals of the province. Presiding over a meeting at the Allama Iqbal Medical College, he said that satisfaction of patients with the treatment facilities in government hospitals was the most important for the government. He said that special attention would be given to research in the medical institutions of Punjab. The minister said that service to humanity should be made motto in the health profession. He said that the Jinnah Hospital Lahore was the forefront in serving humanity, adding that all means would be used for its improvement. He appreciated the Chairman Board of Directors Gohar Ejaz for his services for the humanity. The minister said that the best team was running the administrative affairs in an efficient manner of the Jinnah Hospital. He said that the timings of the ‘Mehmaan Khana’ in Jinnah Hospital would be changed. He said that philanthropists helped the suffering humanity across the world. On the occasion, Punjab Health Secretary Dr. Ahmed Javed Qazi assured that the Department of Specialized Health Care and Medical Education would fully cooperate with the hospital administration to serve the patients. Special Secretary Department of Specialized HealthCare and Medical Education Syed Wajid Ali Shah, Principal Allama Iqbal Medical College Professor Nadeem Hafeez Butt, M.S. Jinnah Hospital Dr. Amjad Mahmood, board and faculty members attended the meeting.