Actor-host Fiza Ali set the stage on fire at a recent wedding as she flaunted her singing skills in viral videos. The ‘Eidi Sab Ke Liye’ host recently attended a wedding ceremony and took over the stage with her powerful presence and mesmerising voice. The celebrity posted several videos from the night on her social media handle as she serenaded the attendees on multiple upbeat tracks. Ali performed veteran Sufi artist, Abida Parveen’s iconic track ‘Gharoli’ as well as the Punjabi dance number ‘Ishq Tera Tadpave’ by Sukhbir, in the shared clips from the event. The viral videos were played thousands of times within hours on the photo and video sharing platform and received numerous likes and compliments for the celebrity’s voice on the gram. It should be mentioned here that Fiza Ali is quite active on her social media handles and enjoys a huge following of at least a million Instagrammers. She often shares glimpses of both her personal and professional lives on social platforms. The celebrity is often seen spending time with her only daughter, Faraal, and also shares pictures from their day outs.