Punjab caretaker Health Minister Dr Javaid Akram has said that the General Hospital Lahore is playing a fundamental role in the service of suffering humanity. He expressed these views during his visit to the Lahore General Hospital (LGH) here on Saturday. He said that Society of Gynecology and Oncology was being registered in the province which would play an important role in ensuring the provision of facilities for cancer patients as well as mothers and children. “We will try our best to provide better health facilities to the people,” he added. He said that the Society of Gynecology and Oncology would be duly registered with SECP. Dr. Javaid Akram said that Principal Ameer-Ud-Din Medical College Professor Dr. Sardar Zafar Al Farid would perform the duties of the president of the Society. The society would play an important role in screening, prevention and vaccination, he said. He informed that a curriculum committee would be formed under the society. The minister said that the officials of the Society of Gynecology and Oncology had taken formal oath to serve the humanity.